Top 5 Event Industry Trends in 2024

 In Event Industry News

As we make our way into 2024, the event industry is still operating partially in the shadow of COVID-19. While in-person events have again become the norm, it’s safe to say that the future of event planning will be forever changed by the pandemic. 

Despite much normalcy returning to the industry, event organizers have also had to accept the fact that nothing is certain in today’s world. As such, most major events today are organized well in advance and feature some sort of contingency plan if unforeseen circumstances arise

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What Does the Future of the Events Industry Look Like?

No matter the size and scope of your operation, getting ahead of trends is the way to ensure not only a successful gathering but a positive and healthy experience for all attendees. Get an in-depth look into the top five emerging trends.

A person sits in front of their laptop as they participate in a hybrid event.1) Hybrid Events 

Hybrid events are one of the biggest legacies to be inherited from the days of COVID-19. 

Prior to the pandemic, virtual events were fringe practices that didn’t get much traction among major organizers. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, planners were forced to transition to online platforms and event streaming. 

Hybrid events will continue to be a major player in the industry. In fact, 34% of event organizers expect to invest more in hybrid events in the next few years. 

2) Sustainability 

Sustainability has become a major focus of many event organizers. This is due, in part, to the wants of event attendees, particularly millennials and Gen Z.

Today, event organizers put a greater emphasis on digital media and biodegradable products to cut down on materials consumption. It’s also worth noting that hybrid events are usually considered more “green.” In a recent study, it was found that virtual conferences can cut an event’s carbon footprint by 94%.

A large group of people in colorful clothing stand in a large event venue.3) Increased Safety Protocols  

Both online and in-person events present their own challenges when it comes to safety.

Even if most mainstream events no longer require proof of vaccination for attendees, new safety protocols will remain in place that started with COVID-19. 

Examples of these new standards include state-of-the-art air filtration systems and disinfecting lights that cut down on the spread of viruses in buildings. While online events provide more protection from physical threats, organizers must still be vigilant about cybersecurity to protect attendees. 

4) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)  

The prioritization of diversity, equity, and inclusion is a crucial goal in 2024. 

While events are great for networking and meeting new people, oftentimes they are organized with only certain demographics in mind. When events lack proper DEI protocols, they can leave people feeling left out and alienated. 

Event planners are helping create inclusive experiences by removing barriers to participation, seeking speakers that represent a wide range of perspectives, and ensuring diversity is represented in the promotion of the event. The Columbia Business School, a private research university in New York City, even created a robust and thoughtful DEI event planning checklist.

Four coworkers smile while looking at a laptop.5) Mental Health & Wellness  

The mental health and wellness of guests is a top concern for organizers. Event planners are finding that their functions are far more productive if people are happy and feeling grounded. 

To ensure that event attendees aren’t overdoing it, promoters are creating less rigorous schedules at events like trade shows so people get ample downtime to rest, serving healthier foods, including mindful exercises, and more.

Contact Event Insurance Now 

If you are in the process of planning an event, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Event Insurance Now. 

Our staff understands the unique needs of first-time insurance buyers, as well as those of seasoned event producers. With over 35 years of experience, our staff is happy to assist with any questions you have about different types of event insurance. 

Get a free instant insurance quote now! 

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