Comparing Wedding Insurance Policies: Tips for Finding the Right Coverage

 In Event Insurance, Wedding Insurance

Did you know that the average wedding costs $30,000?

Your wedding day is undoubtedly a momentous occasion in your life, but it also represents a significant financial commitment. From having to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances or potential liability issues with serving alcohol, it’s a good idea to protect your wedding with the right wedding liability insurance.

We’ve created this blog to assist couples in making informed choices regarding their wedding coverage. We aim to offer guidance and insights on crucial aspects such as coverage options and policy limits, all to safeguard your wedding against unforeseen disruptions or emergencies.

How Does Wedding Insurance Work? Woman in a flannel shirt and man in a blue shirt review a calendar in the kitchen.

Wedding insurance acts as a protective cushion, reducing financial risks linked to wedding preparations. It guarantees that unexpected situations or vendor complications won’t lead to substantial financial setbacks, letting you fully savor your special day with tranquility.

Wedding Cancellation Coverage 

Although wedding liability insurance protects against certain unexpected events, it’s important to note that cancellation coverage is a distinct policy that needs to be obtained separately.

Cancellation coverage is designed to shield you from financial losses if you must cancel your wedding due to circumstances beyond your control.

Event Insurance Now provides comprehensive cancellation coverage. If you have any inquiries or are prepared to acquire this coverage, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our team members. We’re here to assist you!

Wedding Liability Coverage A white sign that says "wedding" is attached to a brick wall.

Liability coverage safeguards you from lawsuits related to incidents during your actual wedding event. Good liability coverage will ensure you don’t have to pay if guests or workers are injured at your wedding or if an alcohol-related accident occurs. Wedding liability insurance will also pay for any damage that might happen to the venue property. 

3 Things to Consider When Comparing Wedding Insurance Policies  

There are some important factors that you should always consider when getting special event insurance for your wedding. 

1) Coverage 

When considering wedding coverage, you want to make sure you are protected from all potentialities. Our product is provided as a Commercial General Liability policy with a $1 million per occurrence and a $2 million aggregate limit. Additionally, it covers damages to rented premises up to $250,000. Typically, this product surpasses the requirements of most venue facilities for special event insurance. Furthermore, our product rate includes naming the location as an Additional Insured party.

2) Deductibles 

As seen with most types of insurance, certain wedding insurance plans include deductibles. While a deductible will generally get you a lower initial cost, you will have to partially pay out of pocket if you wind up filing a claim for your wedding. 

3) Exclusions &  Special Conditions 

It’s always a good idea to read the fine print for exclusions and special conditions in wedding coverage. For example, cancellation coverage won’t work if you get cold feet and cancel, it only protects you from events that happen outside of your control. 

Tailor Coverage to Your Needs & Budget  

One of the most important things to note when shopping for wedding insurance is that there is no “one size fits all” solution. At Event Insurance Now, we recommend you research to find the coverage that matches your needs and budget. 

Obtain Quotes From Several Providers 

Obtaining quotes from multiple providers will give you a strong sense of the current market. If you are having a large wedding with hundreds of guests, it’s a good idea to choose a provider with solid liability insurance. Conversely, a small destination wedding with a sizable overhead investment will require a provider with great cancellation coverage. 

Choose a Reputable Insurer 

To be completely frank, the last concern on most couples’ minds is the possibility of lawsuits related to their wedding. However, in the regrettable circumstance of a cancellation or an injury during your wedding, already difficult situations can escalate when you have to contend with an untrustworthy event insurance provider.

Wedding Liability Insurance Starting at $185A man and a woman meet with a wedding insurance agent.

Your wedding day is undeniably one of life’s pivotal moments, but it also represents a substantial financial commitment. Partnering with a reputable provider like Event Insurance Now is crucial for both financial security and peace of mind on your special day. Plus, our coverage extends to all 50 U.S. states.

To make getting coverage easy, we also have an easy-to-use online application that allows you to get immediate coverage.  Contact our team if you’d like to speak with us about your unique insurance needs.

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